Tuesday, 29 April 2014


   These are some photos we took with our friend Skye, in Newlyn.  We were experimenting with movement which is something we haven't done with photography before.

These first few photos are us jumping around like headless chickens!
Which we had a lot of fun doing! 


These are just some funny posing photos we took using the timer on the camera,
 so we could all be in them!

Half way through taking all these photos, we came across a very cute cat sitting on a wall.


Sunday, 20 April 2014


Easter is here! Sorry we haven't updated the blog in ages! The fox cub was gone when we checked so we hope he is safe with his mum.  Anna is in Bodmin for Easter so its just me (Annis). 
I am only putting up some Eastery photos as I am to busy eating chocolate to do much more!

My family and I some how ended up with seven Lindt bunnies (there were nine but my brother ate two)...  

Which is no bad thing as we get to eat them all!

And now this is a picture of my whippet, Ash.  He is looking very Eastery as you can tell!

I hope you all have had an amazing Easter!

Annis x

Wednesday, 2 April 2014


Our walk!

we went for a walk and decided to take some photographs!
 at the moment we are really into portraits and how people look in the landscape.

Along the way we found a wooden post and thought why not? Lets go sit on it!...

...Or jump of it?!


These are our favourite portraits, we love the mix of urban and countryside!

This is the coolest and cutest thing we found along our walk! A fox cub, we looked up what to do about abandoned fox cubs and it is common in April and May for the mother to go out hunting and leave its cub for awhile. So we are going up and check if its there in 24 hours. Hopefully it is ok!!!!
We will do another post later on and say if the cub is still there!

We hope you enjoyed our post! :)